Hello world!

Beginning of the journey

Oh $h*%, Git!

This was my initial thought when I realized that I will be using git and not Learn commands for my first portfolio project. This is also the website’s domain name that I heavily relied on alongside this website to figure out git.

Tic-Tac-Toe with AI


Let's tap in!

Sorry for the cheesy pun but I am sure it has crossed your mind too (if not, o well..). Anyways, I just got done with my Music Library CLI project. After submitting my code, I went onto see how other students had solved the lab. I always try to see what many different ways something can be done. And, after checking out a few of the students’ work, I saw that a couple of them had used tap. I got intrigued as the method seemed to make the code shorter and more elegant. So, I ended up doing a little research.

So what is Web scraping?

Just finished a chapter on web scraping and boy, was I lost…until I sat down to blog about it. So to agree with Avi (from the video review towards the end of OO), “stop plowing through the lessons”. Instead, take a step back, revise, re-do the lab, ponder on it for a while.

Object relationships

I recently finished the chapter on object relationships in Ruby, a very important concept in understanding Object Oriented Programming in my opinion. In my previous post, I talked about creating objects, classifying them and assigning them attributes and methods to make them behave certain ways. But apparently, that was just a tip of the iceberg and it took me a couple of labs and frustrating nights to wrap my head around the concept of object relationships. I am not saying I have excelled in understanding the concept, but here is what I have understood so far.