Hello world!

Beginning of the journey

What is State in React?

In English, state refers to “the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time” and that holds true for state in React Component as well. Each component can maintain its own state, which can be accessed through this.state.

React Components

Rails w/ JS project, at last!

For this project, I worked with my rails app, Outfits On the Go, integrating JS to it. The app allows users to create boards on which they can pin (create) outfits and each outfit can be sorted by (hash)tags. To read about the app and its basic set up in Rails, go here.

JavaScript Array Methods: slice() v splice()


Slice is a way of selecting a chunk of elements in an array without modifying the original array.

Rails Project - Outfits On The Go!

For this project, I decided to build something similar to my Sinatra project but of course with some Rails “magic” and the help of few awesome gems. The app is called Outfits On The Go, with the idea being that a user can log in and create an event-specific board, say “The Bahamas Trip” and post images of outfits they have put together or plan to wear for that occasion.